A downloadable game for Windows

"La Symphonie des Vents" is a silly rythm game made during the GGJ2024

controls : to play the 3 cards (from left to right) :

  • left : 1
  • center : 2
  • right : 3

To play the note (from lest to right) : Q / W / E / R / SPACE


  1. Sharing is caring - (Sponsored by Github):
  2. [15:12]Harmonius: A music or rhythm game that is still playable without sound.
  3. [15:13]Lunch Special: Your game can be played with one hand. The other hand is free to hold your sandwich.
  4. [15:13]Modern Blacksmith: Create a tool for game development.
  5. [15:13]Moon & Swoon: The moon is a significant element in many cultures. Adopt it into your game in some way, either through art or narrative."


Build.zip 60 MB

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